So we made it.....over 7000 miles covering the length and breadth of the country and we're all still in one piece. It seems like we've played everywhere; from the pokey Victorian theaters blessed with glorious histories to the contemporary art centres and their excellent facilities such as hot water and mirrors.
It seems, in retrospect, that we started in the blustery winds of Scotland, enjoyable but every so often thrown off guard and we ended in the sunshine of East England, confident, skillful, yet ready to sunbathe for at least six and a half days. I've learnt many things on this tour...not to be afraid of people from Scotland, Brummie's can effectively communicate given the right encouragement and my bladder can withstand the most insane pressure for at least 45 minutes. My thanks to a certain someone for the advice not to 'wee behind a curtain as the stage slopes and it will head towards the audience'.
I tip my cowboy hat to all that came to the show and that have followed us on this blogsite. It was always nice to see a friendly face; in fact, with the credit crunch biting, it was nice to see any face at all. The older generation certainly stood up to the recent economic climate, supporting a music style that could easily disappear if not supported. I may dye my hair purple in support to you.
Although I can't speak for the others, I sense it has given us all a renewed vigour to pursue our own creative projects. Lee is building himself a home studio in which no small measure of genius will flow.....Dave always has a handful of projects on the go but shall be certainly donning his producer hat aplenty this year as well as getting his own band on the road.....Cosy is off to Sweden with his folk-rock band (his kit already en route hence the change of kit colours for Lowestoft)....Willy is USA bound to promote his great album and hopefully record more....and me? Well, I'm planning on concentrating on updating blog sites, this having already taken me the best part of a morning.
To the next time,
Rich x x
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Monday, 20 April 2009
Lowestoft- last night

The last date of the 2009 tour was in Lowestoft. It was hard enough to get going again after 2 nights off, but what made it complicated was the arrangements to get all the equipment back to Northamptonshire and to Southern Ireland. I'd hope to have my new van ready with the seats fitted so that Cozy, Lee, Richard and myself could travel together but we could get the extra seats fitted in time. So..
Richard drove his car with Lee and Cozy on board while Sue and I tooke the van. The satnav took us off the beaten track through deepest Suffolk and we eventually arrived about 15 minutes after the others. It was a sunny afternoon, but very cold in the easterly wind as we went to look at the sea. (when you live as far from the sea as I do, one takes every opportunity)
After a quick soundcheck we were ready to go. Once the show started it was apparent that Nina was struggling with her voice. More than 30 shows in less than six weeks, with all the travelling and all kinds of weather had taken its toll.
We had to cut one song and Nina changed some vocal lines to minimise the effect. During the interval we arranged to change a couple of things and the second half passed without the audience noticing that anything was different. It was a good end to a good tour. All seven of the touring party got on well with no personality clashes; we turned up on time every time, got on well with the theatre management in all the venues and performed before many thousand Patsy fans.
We had a few equipment problems but nothing that the audience could hear (except when the mixing desk desk locked up and muted every channel at the Harlow show. Nina solved that one by singing unaccompanied until the PA was reset- to huge applause from the audience.
Anyway, once the house had cleared we set about packing everything away, only this time we needed to separate the equipment to go into different vans for the journey home. Once everything was loaded we said our goodbyes- until the next time!
Saturday, 18 April 2009
Bromsgrove- Thursday

It was a miserable journey through rain and spray up the M1, along the M6 and down the M42 to Bromsgrove. We arrived at our normal time to discover that we couldn't get in until 4.30 as the theatre was being used as a cinema. I sat in the dressing room and finished my book while the others went down into the town.
Chris the techie was very helpful once we were able to unload and we set up and soundchecked in double quick time.
The audience soon got into the swing of things and joined in when asked (some nights they don't wait to be asked)and we had a good show.
Friday and Saturday night's shows have fallen victim to the recession so I was dropped off on the way through to Northampton as I will be taking my own van on the last night of the show. Mike, Willie and Nina will take the other van back to Ireland via South Wales and I will bring all our equipment back to Northampton.
With one day to go we've travelled over 7000 miles in about six weeks and I didn't realise how tired I was until I had a day off.
Harlow- Wednesday
One to forget. A host of technical and other problems meant that we were very stressed when we went on stage. The audience were very enthusiastic, even when we lost our PA just before the interval. Nina won the audience over by singing "Amazing grace" unacompanied while Mike reset the mixing desk and she received one of the loudest cheers of the tour so far.
The rest of the evening passed without incident and the audience went home happy. We loaded the van and drove around town looking for a takeaway. (No-one had a chance to eat pre-show) I can honestly say that the meal we ate was the worst we've encountered in many a long tour. It was so bad we had to stop at South Mimms to buy more food and coffee to take away the taste.
Definitely one to forget
The rest of the evening passed without incident and the audience went home happy. We loaded the van and drove around town looking for a takeaway. (No-one had a chance to eat pre-show) I can honestly say that the meal we ate was the worst we've encountered in many a long tour. It was so bad we had to stop at South Mimms to buy more food and coffee to take away the taste.
Definitely one to forget
Rotherham- Tuesday

An enjoyable show at the Civic Theatre, which is a converted church just off the town centre. Steve, Andy and Sam looked after us and made us very welcome. John flew over from Belfast to see the show again, as did Pat McClusky and his wife Sandra. Pat was our special guest singer at the show in Dudley, when Willie was unavailable due to other commitments.
When the show was over and we'd packed everything away, Sam excelled herself by directing us to a chippy along the road to the M18. We'd never have found it without her directions. Thanks Sam.
Monday, 13 April 2009
Cozy Dixon- man of mystery

Every now and then we catch a glimpse of a mysterious figure dressed in a striped sweatshirt. Could it be Cozy Dixon- man of mystery.
We saw him at Cannock making a getaway with a bag of swag, and later we saw him in Dudley trying to play the drums with his feet.
Is this the same Cozy Dixon who was seen polishing his drum kit in his hotel room?
Richard Arterton- man of music
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